Logic, Ontology, Uncategorized

Mortimer Adler on The Correspondence Theory of Truth

I do not remember when I first learned learned that the laws of logic are properties of being but they are, nonetheless, intuitively and metaphysically correct. Mortimer Adler provides a clue for why this is the case as he connects the law of noncontradiction with the correspondence theory of truth (truth is that which corresponds to reality):

The correspondence theory asserts (1) that there is a reality independent of the mind, and (2) that truth (or, what is the same thing, knowledge) exists in the mind when the mind agrees with, conforms or corresponds to, that independent reality. When what I assert agrees with the way things really are, my assertions are true; otherwise they are false. . . . The principle of noncontradiction is both an ontological principle (the principle that contradictories cannot coexist in reality) as well as a logical rule (the rule that thinking cannot be correct if it is self-contradictory).

Mortimer J. Adler, Intellect: Mind over Matter (New York: Macmillan, 1990), 98 – 99.

The law of noncontradiction is both a property of being (ontology) and logic (correct reasoning) which is perhaps one reason why it is true (corresponds to reality).